Warnings And Disclaimers: I don't own Gundam Wing; I also don't own The Beatles, as if you didn't know that! ;p

This Fic Contains: 1x2? Humor? A song, sorta? Relena bashing?

Note: The original song is Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds; you can get a midi and the real lyrics from here. And yeah, I'm a freaking Beatles fan... and yes, this is sacrilege

Duo in the Sky with Gundam
by ClarySage

Picture yourself as a gundam in space With tangerine Trieze and Marmalade Oz

Somebody calls you, you answer quite slowly That girl with the insane eyes

Wearing your outfit of spandex and cotton Crash landing onto your head

Look for the boy with the gun in his hands And he's gone

Duo in the sky with gundam Duo in the sky with gundam Duo in the sky with gundam

Fall with him down to a beach by the cliffside Where you fix up your gundam and rip off Deathscythe Everyone groans as you blow up that airplane They all think that you are just high

A man in a hawaiian shirt appears on the deck Hoping that you'll go away

Climb in Wing Zero with your head in the clouds And your gone

Duo in the sky with gundam Duo in the sky with gundam Duo in the sky with gundam

Picture yourself as a slightly crazed pilot With simpering stalkers with peace loving cries Suddenly someone is there at that Oz base The boy with those amethyst eyes

Duo in the sky with gundam Duo in the sky with gundam Duo in the sky with gundam... ...


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